We want you to love HB-101 as much as we do.
Not only is HB-101 for every kind of plant, it also has a place in each stage of the plant life cycle. Healthy plants need healthy soil to thrive. Starting with the soil, we then treat the seed to bring about germination, nurturing the seedling to become a mature plant that allows us to harvest and produce more seeds, completing the cycle.
HB-101 will build up and enrich poor soil prior to planting simply by watering the affected area.
Dilution ratios are adjusted according to need from 1:1,000 to 1:100,000.
Soil is treated up to three times after harvest and before next planting cycle.
100ml of HB-101 treats up to 900㎡.
HB-101 is used to soak seeds prior to planting, to encourage germination.
Dilution ratio for soaking seed is recommended at 1:1,000.
Rice and other grain seeds are recommended to be left soaking for a minimum of 24 hours.
HB-101 is used to encourage growth post germination by regularly watering seedlings.
Dilution ratio for seedlings is recommended at 1:1,000.
Seedlings are treated once a week for a total duration of three weeks.
HB-101 will encourage healthy growth of wheat, rice and other grains simply by watering.
Dilution ratios for watering is recommended at 1:1,000.
Fields should be treated for a minimum of two times up to five times in total.
100ml of HB-101 treats up to 900㎡.